Great Self-Esteem

Very soon, not only will you feel better physically, but you will also feel much better about yourself because you will have finally stopped smoking. As you have learned, other techniques have serious drawbacks. However, this approach comfortably allows both your mind and your body to agree to stop smoking. Think of this as something like how you felt about a favorite toy when you were a child. If someone just suddenly took the toy away, it would have been very upsetting to you. Yet, over time, you simply evolved past needing that toy. You simply lost interest but on your terms.

The toy was still available, but you chose to move on to better things. Using this technique is much the same: you simply will no longer have a need to smoke. You can move on to better things.

A Very Important Lesson

The following story will vividly demonstrate to you how even just a tiny victory, everyday, can very quickly add up to a gigantic success!

A boy approached a local businessman about the possibility of a summer job. The man needed a helper, so he offered the boy two choices: the first job would be for three months, five days a week, eight hours a day, at $20 per hour, washing windows. The second would be almost exactly the same, except that it would pay just one penny the first day. However, that penny would be doubled every day (not multiply, simply double each day). So day two would pay two pennies; day three, four pennies; day four, eight pennies; and so on. The boy smiled and said he would take the first job at $20 per hour. What a shame. Had the boy taken the second job he would have been a multi-millionaire in just 30 days!

Doesn't sound possible does it? Provide it to yourself. It will take only a few minutes, and is very important. On a sheet of paper, write the numbers 1-30. Next to each number put the amount he would have been paid each day, like so:

Day 1
$ .01

Remember, simply double the amount each day starting with just one cent and continue for 30 days. This is more than just fun it's a valuable lesson. You really need to do this before you continue reading. (Or at least promise yourself to do the math one day.)

Small Victories = Big Success

It's amazing what just a little, constant success can accomplish. Too bad the boy chose what merely appeared to be the correct path. Unfortunately, most people would have made the same mistake, just as most smokers choose the wrong way to stop smoking. You have learned a very valuable lesson. The technique you are about to be taught may, at first, appear to be impossible. However, it is indeed the correct path.

<Next: How to Finally Stop Smoking>